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The function bvq_responses() retrieves participants’ responses to the Barcelona Vocabulary Questionnaire (BVQ) using the formr API, and returns them along participant- and item-level information. This function returns a tidy data frame in which each row is one participant’s response to an individual item.

responses <- bvq_responses()

# select relevant variables
responses %>%
  select(id, time, item, response, randomisation) %>%
  drop_na(response) # drop unanswered items
#> # A tibble: 34,465 × 16
#>    child_id response_id  time version      version_list date_birth date_started
#>    <chr>    <chr>       <dbl> <chr>        <chr>        <date>     <date>      
#>  1 58298    BL1879          2 bvq-lockdown C            2020-04-27 2022-10-08  
#>  2 58298    BL1879          2 bvq-lockdown C            2020-04-27 2022-10-08  
#>  3 58298    BL1879          2 bvq-lockdown C            2020-04-27 2022-10-08  
#>  4 58298    BL1879          2 bvq-lockdown C            2020-04-27 2022-10-08  
#>  5 58298    BL1879          2 bvq-lockdown C            2020-04-27 2022-10-08  
#>  6 58298    BL1879          2 bvq-lockdown C            2020-04-27 2022-10-08  
#>  7 58298    BL1879          2 bvq-lockdown C            2020-04-27 2022-10-08  
#>  8 58298    BL1879          2 bvq-lockdown C            2020-04-27 2022-10-08  
#>  9 58298    BL1879          2 bvq-lockdown C            2020-04-27 2022-10-08  
#> 10 58298    BL1879          2 bvq-lockdown C            2020-04-27 2022-10-08  
#> # ℹ 34,455 more rows
#> # ℹ 9 more variables: date_finished <date>, item <chr>, response <int>,
#> #   sex <chr>, doe_catalan <dbl>, doe_spanish <dbl>, doe_others <dbl>,
#> #   edu_parent1 <chr>, edu_parent2 <chr>

This dataset is the base for many analyses of interest, like participants’ vocabulary size, word prevalence, or modelling item-level probability of acquisition. This package offers several functions to do this (e.g., bvq_vocabulary(), bvq_norms()), but one could already do this from this dataset.

Additional participant-level properties like language profile variables can be extracted using the bvq_logs() function.

logs <- bvq_logs(responses = responses)

logs %>%
    child_id, time, age, lp,

Item-level properties can be consulted in the pool dataset (See ?pool):

#> # A tibble: 1,590 × 14
#>    item          language    te label xsampa n_lemmas is_multiword subtlex_lemma
#>    <chr>         <chr>    <int> <chr> <chr>     <int> <lgl>        <chr>        
#>  1 cat_pessigol… Catalan      1 (fer… "p@.s…        1 FALSE        pessigolles  
#>  2 cat_abracar   Catalan      2 abra… "@.B4…        1 FALSE        abraçar      
#>  3 cat_obrir     Catalan      3 obrir "u\"B…        1 FALSE        obrir        
#>  4 cat_acabar    Catalan      4 acab… "@.k@…        1 FALSE        acabar       
#>  5 cat_llancar   Catalan      5 llan… "L@n\…        1 FALSE        llançar      
#>  6 cat_apagar    Catalan      6 apag… "@.p@…        1 FALSE        apagar       
#>  7 cat_aprendre  Catalan      7 apre… "@\"p…        1 FALSE        aprendre     
#>  8 cat_esgarrap… Catalan      8 esga… "@z.g…        1 FALSE        esgarrapar   
#>  9 cat_ajudar    Catalan      9 ajud… "@.Zu…        1 FALSE        ajudar       
#> 10 cat_ballar    Catalan     10 ball… "b@\"…        1 FALSE        ballar       
#> # ℹ 1,580 more rows
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: wordbank_lemma <chr>, childes_lemma <chr>,
#> #   semantic_category <chr>, class <chr>, version <list>, include <lgl>

Longitudinal responses

Several participants have filled the questionnaire more than once. All questionnaire responses included in any dataset returned by any function in BVQ have an associated time value. This variable indexes how many times that specific participant has filled the questionnaire (any version), including their last response. This allows to track each participant’s responses across time and perform longitudinal analyses.

By default, bvq_responses() retrieves all responses. Using get_longitudinal(), we can filter what cases we want to keep. The argument longitudinal takes one of the following character strings:

  • "all": all responses are returned
  • "no": participants with more than one response to the questionnaire (any version) are excluded from the output
  • "first": only the first response from each participant is returned (including responses of participant that only responded once)
  • "last": only the most recent response from each participant is returned (including responses of participant that only responded once)
  • "only": only responses from participants that filled the questionnaire more than once are returned.

Setting longitudinal = "only" is especially useful to perform repeated measures analyses. For example:

#> # A tibble: 16,077 × 8
#>    child_id  time item           response version_list date_birth date_started
#>    <chr>    <dbl> <chr>             <int> <chr>        <date>     <date>      
#>  1 58298        2 cat_astronauta        3 C            2020-04-27 2022-10-08  
#>  2 58298        2 cat_abella            3 C            2020-04-27 2022-10-08  
#>  3 58298        2 cat_ales              3 C            2020-04-27 2022-10-08  
#>  4 58298        2 cat_capo              1 C            2020-04-27 2022-10-08  
#>  5 58298        2 cat_com               3 C            2020-04-27 2022-10-08  
#>  6 58298        2 cat_ara               3 C            2020-04-27 2022-10-08  
#>  7 58298        2 cat_anar2             3 C            2020-04-27 2022-10-08  
#>  8 58298        2 cat_blanc             3 C            2020-04-27 2022-10-08  
#>  9 58298        2 cat_i                 3 C            2020-04-27 2022-10-08  
#> 10 58298        2 cat_aigua1            3 C            2020-04-27 2022-10-08  
#> # ℹ 16,067 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: date_finished <date>

Please note

The values of time in the outcome of bvq_participants() and the outcome of the rest of the functions may not be identical. This is because in bvq_participants() this value increases in one unit every time a given participant is sent the questionnaire, even if they do not end up filling it. In contrast, the value of time in the rest of the functions (e.g., bvq_responses(), bvq_logs()) only increases when the questionnaire is filled. Since the outcome of bvq_participants() is mainly intended for internal use, you don’t have to worry about this as long as you don’t try to cross the outcomes of bvq_participants() and the rest of the functions.