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A dataset containing candidate words to be included in the questionnaires with some lexical properties. Transcriptions were (a) generated manually, (b) retrieved from Wiktionary. All transcriptions have been manually double-checked and fixed if necessary.




A data frame with 1601 rows and 20 variables:

  • item: item label, as indicated in the formr survey spreadsheets, items are unique within and across questionnaires.

  • language: language the item belongs to.

  • te: index associated to translation equivalents across languages.

  • label: item label, as presented to participants in the front-end of the questionnaire, some labels are not unique within or across questionnaires.

  • xsampa: phonological transcription in X-SAMPA format.

  • n_lemmas: an integer indicating the number of different lemmas showed in the item label to participants. for instance, the Spanish item "spa_hierba" was shown to in the questionnaire as "hierba / césped". Lemma with similar roots were considered as one, such as the Spanish item "spa_tonto", presented as "tonto / tonta" in the questionnaire.

  • is_multiword: an logical indicating whether the item included a multi-word phrase as presented in the questionnaire. For instance the Spanish item "spa_cepillodientes" was shown as "cepillo de dientes" in the questionnaire, which includes three words.

  • subtlex_lemma: word label, as included in the corresponding version. of SUBTLEX.

  • wordbank_lemma: word label, as indexed in Wordbank.

  • childes_lemma: word label, as it appears in the CHILDES English corpora (based on wordbank_lemma).

  • semantic_category: semantic/functional category the items belongs to.

  • class: Functional category (verb, nouns, adjective, etc.).

  • version: what short version of the questionnaire does this item appear on?

  • include: should this item be included in analyses?